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Beats and Bedrocks (multiple artists)
[SB/orMusic records]
In 1995 in The Netherlands a lot of clubs almost had to close because of new laws concerning sound levels. Even shopping trolleys or whatever things in normal life went up to the benchmark. A protest CD was the answer of the music scene in the city of Groningen. PEAR, in the meantime decimetad to a solo project, contributed with one track. orMusic did most of the producing and engineering stuff (for free). Studio Boterdiep offered free studio time and took care of the CD duplication.
Unfortunately the price of the CD (25 guilders) was way too high. But to be positive: publicity was achieved and a lot of interesting bands/projects contributed:

KLEG and Soom
KLEG is the abbreviation for (translated) "Sonic Experiment Groningen". In dutch: 'Klank Experiment Groningen'. KLEG combined a traditional rhythm section with multiple electronic string instruments, most of them guitars. The avant-garde arrangements gained a lot of reas pect worldwide. The KLEG album "Zing" was produced by Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth). orMusic co-produced the Brain Eno song "Here come the warm jets" on the Beats & Bedrocks CD.
Soom also was an avant-garde guitar band from Groningen. Two bandmembers ealier played in KLEG.
orMusic produced the song "Nomawashi".

orMusic also produced/engineered Beats & Bedrocks songs of:

PEAR, Cameron & Arling en Eddy de Clerq, Sexy Dex, Quest for fire, Skelter and The Amp.

KLEG and Soom
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